
Master Universe Almanac is a resource for revelation students and other interested people. The Urantia Book is the primary source for its data. 

The presenters of the book, the revelators, have passed along a great deal of information.  Their narrative is packed with details about matter, mind, spirit, and personality throughout the master universe.  376 times, they condensed data into numbered lists containing essential points to study and learn.  The Almanac is a ready reference of lists, tables, and charts which faithfully reflect the Urantia Book's information.   Each dataset in the Almanac is referenced to its origin in the text.  Follow reference-links to examine the data in context and in more detail. 

If you discover a difference between what is here and what is in the Urantia Papers, side with the papers, and please let me know.

Sincere thanks to the individuals and groups who have added to the compilation of this reference. 

In December 2018, this Master Universe project began its tenth year.

A new project, "Architecture of the Master Universe," illustrates Urantia Book concepts with animations. The newest video, "Master Universe Model," can be played below.


Your suggestions and comments are always welcome. If you find the site helpful, share masteruniverse.org with your friends and fellow students. Thanks!



David Neufer
Almanac Editor
almed at masteruniverse dot org


Please note that throughout the Almanac, Editor's notes are in GREEN
The Almanac's Compendia section includes a collection of "search engine studies." These are sequences of paragraphs that have certain words or phrases in common. Studying concepts this way can speed up learning. Due to the structure of the book, search engines may be the only efficient way to thoroughly learn a topic. No significance should be placed in the topics chosen or their order. Individuals may study any topic this way using UB Search.

Master Universe Model

Combined set of videos presented to the 2022 Science Symposium



Architecture of the Master Universe
Part 1 - Paradise Isle


Contents Reader Comments

Other videos previously on this page
may now be found on the
Links Page

